Leimomi's post about what makes a garment historically accurate, made me think that there should be levels of accuracy for historical costuming. Here is my introduction to those levels. I'd like to think that I am close to Level 3, but in actuality I'm somewhere between Level 7 and 10.
Time Travel Historical Costume Approval Levels
Level 0. Unlimited: Passes close inspection, indistinguishable from clothing of that time period
Level 1. Limited brief encounters: Clothes are right style, color, construction, but do not pass close inspection. Chatting distance, keep walking.
Level 3. Limited distance: Would pass in photos and with distance. Possibly incorrect textile or other anachronisms. No close contact. Wave from afar.
Level 7. Night, dusk only: Obvious uncanny flaw to a sane person of the time period. Limit contact/sightings to the drunk, mad, and young children in dim lighting. "Is that ghost wearing my draperies?"
Not Approved for Travel
Level 10. Theatre-worthy: Looks the part, may have artistic liberties, gives the feeling of the time period. Costumers and historians see the discrepancies. May pass as historical to general modern population.
Level 20. Costume party: Hey, it kind of fits the theme. Good use of a sheet and pillow to make a bustle. Nice slutty Marie Antoinette!
Time Travel Historical Costume Approval Levels
Level 0. Unlimited: Passes close inspection, indistinguishable from clothing of that time period
Level 1. Limited brief encounters: Clothes are right style, color, construction, but do not pass close inspection. Chatting distance, keep walking.
Level 3. Limited distance: Would pass in photos and with distance. Possibly incorrect textile or other anachronisms. No close contact. Wave from afar.
Level 7. Night, dusk only: Obvious uncanny flaw to a sane person of the time period. Limit contact/sightings to the drunk, mad, and young children in dim lighting. "Is that ghost wearing my draperies?"
Not Approved for Travel
Level 10. Theatre-worthy: Looks the part, may have artistic liberties, gives the feeling of the time period. Costumers and historians see the discrepancies. May pass as historical to general modern population.
Level 20. Costume party: Hey, it kind of fits the theme. Good use of a sheet and pillow to make a bustle. Nice slutty Marie Antoinette!
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